the arts

Think of a song that you really like, or a work of art that you have seen that you thought was amazing.  Many people have a favorite book or movie they enjoy. Perhaps you have seen people perform a play or a dance. And maybe you even enjoy drawing, painting, writing poetry or stories, singing, playing a musical instrument, or dancing yourself! Herby enjoys listening to the chickadee quartet sing moving, melodious music.

Have you ever been touched and inspired by music or some other form of art? How do you feel when you are enjoying it or have the opportunity to express yourself this way?

The arts can touch people in a way nothing else can. Art enriches our lives and gives people meaning, excitement, and joy. It helps us understand each other and the world, and even helps improve learning, behavior, and social ties. It communicates with the heart of people, and without it our world would be a rather dreary place. Music and the arts carry us higher and farther than we could ever go without it, truly “like wings for the soul.”

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