freelance graphic design

Do you enjoy doing certain things so much you feel like you must do them—that it’s such an essential part of your being that doing it is almost as natural as breathing? That’s how I feel when I’m drawing and illustrating.

I’m currently busy illustrating a fun new children’s book. Here are some sketches of the main characters—a garden snail and the boy who lives in the house nearby—along with a few preliminary sketches of the illustrations. What do you think?

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If you or someone you know is looking for an illustrator for a children’s book, I can help! I’m available for commissions and freelance illustration, graphic design, and other artwork and would love to help out with your project.

Like my Facebook page, visit my website at, and contact me if you’re interested in my custom, professional art creation services.

Now take a deep breath and go out there and do what it is that’s as essential to you as breathing. We all need you to share your gift—we all need your “breath!”

Be blessed!

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