Joe Eckstein

When an artist paints a picture, they intentionally create something they care about that has worth and value. Every brush stroke is there on purpose, to help create the picture they want. When they make something so amazing and exceptional that it is considered their best work, it is called a masterpiece. While Herby paints a portrait of Jeremy and his friends along with the beautiful trees, sun, sky, and animals around him, he notices that these are each an amazing masterpiece of their own, even more amazing than anything he can paint.

What about the world around you do you find amazing and beautiful? In what ways are you a masterpiece?

You are an amazing, miraculous creation, and because of this you have great worth and value. Even though some things about ourselves and the world may not always be good and beautiful, like a painting that has been damaged somehow, they were still originally made to be amazing. What an artist it must be that created such amazing things like the earth, plants, animals, you and me! Remember that every artist creates a work of art with purpose and care, and that you are a “masterpiece.”

Other people can often benefit from something we have. We can give or share with them something that belongs to us, like a toy, a game, a book, food or money.  We could share something we are good at, a skill or talent like art, music, sports, building things, or knowledge. We can even share a smile, our time, and ourselves with others, by being a friend and letting them be a friend to us. Herby and Jeremy are enjoying sharing their tree house with some friends.

What kinds of things have other people given or shared with you before? How did it feel when they shared with you? How can you share what you have with others?

Sharing what we have with other people not only can help them, but it helps us, too.  We feel better when we make other people a part of our lives. If someone shares something with you, be thankful and respectful of what they share. Think about others around you and what you can give and share with them, because our lives are “more fun when they’re shared.”

Unfortunately, sometimes people hurt each other. Sometimes they don’t mean to, but sometimes they do. Maybe you’ve seen a bully being mean to someone else and hurting their feelings, or maybe someone has hurt you. It could have even been someone you care about. You may sometimes feel like Herby, who is being attacked by a neighborhood cat that is not interested in leaving him alone and letting him have his space!

When people are mean and hurt you, how do you feel? What should you do when they hurt you? Have you ever hurt others yourself?

When someone does something to hurt someone else or their feelings, that is wrong. Everybody needs space to be safe, respected and loved. If someone wants to hurt you, remember that they need to be loved too, but they should not hurt you. If you aren’t able to stand up to them yourself, get some help from friends and people you trust. Never be a bully yourself. With help you can protect yourself and stop hurtful people from invading your “personal space.”

People are all around you. Some people you know, and some you don’t. Some may be part of your family, like parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, and relatives. Some are your friends, and some are your neighbors, teachers, and other people in your school and community. People are important. They can help each other, love each other, and have fun together. And as Herby and Jeremy find out, they can even build a tree house together.

Do you ever feel lonely? How are other people important and helpful to you? How can you be helpful to them?

We all need other people in our lives. It is important to have family and friends and be a part of a community that is made up of different people that interact, cooperate, and help each other. Think about the other people that are around you and how you can help them, because life is better when you can “do it together!”

Think about relaxing at a beach. Soft sand between your toes, the warm sun on your skin, cool breezes, crashing waves, and sparkling water. The beach can be a relaxing, refreshing, and exciting place to be. Life may not always feel that way, as there’s plenty to cause us aggravation and stress: work, school, activities, other people, our own hopes and fears. But Herby imagines that life, like a beach, really can be enjoyable if we embrace all it has to offer.

Do you find yourself drained and weighed down by the stresses of life? What would it be like to be re-energized, refreshed, and full of excitement again? What could you do to get there?

Sometimes life doesn’t seem very fun, and we can find ourselves in a rut. Maybe you can’t necessarily take a vacation to the beach, but try taking a step back from your ordinary routine to rest and recharge. Look for new experiences to re-awaken your senses and replenish your energy. Don’t settle for a life that’s dull and unexciting. Life is yours for the living, so “get out there and enjoy it!”

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