Sometimes we may want to do something that we’re not allowed to do or that is wrong. Perhaps it is eating something you’re not supposed to, cheating on a test, lying, or taking something that doesn’t belong to you. Just because we want to do it, doesn’t mean we have to or should. Herby really wants to eat Jeremy’s fish, but he knows he is not allowed. Thinking about the fish though isn’t helping him forget about it.
What do you do when you want to do something you’re not allowed to do or you know is wrong? Is it good to do everything we want to do, or is it better to keep ourselves from doing some things even if we want to do them?
There are a lot of things in life that we should not do because they hurt ourselves or other people. Fight against the desire to do these things. Get your mind off of the thing that you want to do, think about something else, and ask someone else to help you do the right thing. When you are tempted to do something wrong, you can “resist the urge!”
If someone is committed to something, such as school, a sport, their job, doing the right thing, a friendship, or a marriage between a husband and a wife, it means that no matter what, they’ve decided to stick with it and make it work, even when it’s hard and they don’t feel like it. Feelings can come and go, but as Red and his wife point out to Herby, commitment is what lasts.
How would you feel if someone was committed to being your friend no matter what? What are you committed to? Are there people or pursuits in your life that you can be better committed to?
When we are committed, we can do remarkable things, like be able to play a musical instrument, or we can help other people and enjoy positive, long-lasting relationships with them. We can’t commit to everything, but once you are committed to something or someone, stick with it and don’t quit. It may be hard work, but the results are worth it. It’s the secret to making it “through thick and thin.”
When people say something happened that actually didn’t, or do something wrong and do not admit it, they are being dishonest. Sometimes we may not feel like telling the truth because we may not like the possible outcome. Herby doesn’t seem very happy to tell Jeremy the truth about eating his fish because he’s afraid he might get in trouble.
Do you find it difficult at times to be honest with others? Why is it important for people to tell the truth? If you found out someone lied to you, would you wonder if you could trust them the next time?
Being honest makes it possible for other people to believe and trust you, plus it feels good to not have to ever worry about being caught telling a lie. Most importantly, though, telling others what actually happened or what you’ve done wrong is the right thing to do. So be a person that tells the truth, even if “the truth hurts.”
With family, work, chores, errands, hobbies, entertainment, and other pursuits, our lives can easily become full of activity. Before long we can become quite busy, going from one activity to the next, never taking time to rest and do what Herby suggests: stop and simply enjoy the pleasures in life we often take for granted.
Do you find your life so busy sometimes you forget to enjoy it? What in your life would you like to take time to enjoy and appreciate more?
Like roses, there are wonderful things in life that we can miss out on if we’re not spending time enjoying them. Only filling your life with productive activity is missing the point. Take time to not just plant, water, fertilize, prune and maintain a garden of roses, but also to “stop and smell them every now and then.”
I spent a day last week hiking at Stone Mountain State Park in North Carolina. I sketched this view from the top of Stone Mountain, looking west toward the Blue Ridge.
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