Being a children’s book author and illustrator is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream of mine, and it certainly is an adventure!
I gave my first book signing and reading on August 24th at the Jamestown Public Library in Jamestown, North Carolina. I thoroughly enjoyed reading excerpts of my book Herby Gets a Life to the children and families present, who were engrossed in Herby the Parrot’s humorous antics and encouraging insights. There are few other pleasures as wonderful as seeing first-hand people enjoying and benefiting from the work you do.

Local residents will have another chance to catch me at the upcoming Bush Hill Heritage Festival in Archdale, North Carolina, on Saturday, September 14th. I will be taking part in the “Meet the Author” event from Noon to 2 P.M. at the historic Ragan House, located at 118 Trindale Road in downtown Archdale. This event is presented by Archdale Public Library, who you can call for more information at 336-431-3811. Come on out and enjoy the festivities!
It’s quite an adventure publishing a book and pursuing the profession of an author and illustrator. I’m certainly learning a lot and having fun sharing my work with the world. Feel free to contact me if you’re interested in having me conduct a book signing or reading at your location or if I can help you in any way.
Achieving anything in life is an adventure…you take one step, then another, and soon you find yourself well underway on your journey, having the time of your life and wondering how you got there. Sometimes it may be smooth sailing and other times you may face seemingly insurmountable obstacles you need to overcome, but the important thing about an adventure is that you go on one.
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